Monday, October 19, 2009

No Change from Bush, right? Obama Speaks to School Kids in Silver Spring, Md.

Obama Speaks to School Kids in Silver Spring, Md.

Washington Post - ‎1 hour ago‎
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Here's the reason that I wanted to stop by for lunch today, and that is, I have heard great things about this school.
Video: Raw Video: Obama Spends Time With Students The Associated Press
School Day for Obama New York Times
The Associated Press - Business Gazette - NBC Washington - Washington Examiner


Surprise! Obama shows up at Sasha's parent-teacher conference

Christian Science Monitor - Dave Cook - ‎35 minutes ago‎
But President Obama was making two surprise visits to Maryland schools, chatting about his daughter and playing book critic with grade-schoolers.
ABC News - Politics Daily (blog) - The Associa