Monday, October 19, 2009

From my sister whom I greatly trust. URGENT. Re H1N1

"I am kind of in a bit of a shock right now. My sister in South Dakota just called me and told me that my nephew age 9 is in ICU with H1N1... He was swimming less than 16 hours ago... said his tummy hurt on the car ride home... but they thought the water had to many chemicals... They put him to bed he had no fever and no pre-existing conditions... a little while later he threw up. They are very over protective so they took him to the ER right away... and it turns out one lung was full of fluid (puss) and the other half full.. so he was rushed to ICU... They said he would not have made it until morning. I don't really know if he is going to make it or not. It hasn't even been 16 hours since he was swimming and having fun with his friends and now he is fighting for his life. Regardless of what your spiritual beliefs are please keep Jimmy in your thoughts.... Right now things are pretty bad but there is hope. She said there are several cases in that area and all the doctors and clinics are working around the clock... It seems as though they have been hit with a huge wave in the past week.. ever since the weather got real cold. His dad was laid off not long ago so he will have one parent with him at all times. I know there are a lot of rumors and such saying H1N1 is just a hoax and the vaccine is a bad idea... I myself have 2 kids ages 15 and 18 and I was on the fence... but after hearing from my sister this morning and hearing the pain in her voice and the fear and knowing that he may not make it has put things into perspective, If they offer it my kids will be getting the vaccine. Here in Missouri we have finally gotten it but they are only giving it to kids between ages 2 and 9... I guess my main message here is Please keep Jimmy in your thoughts and please take H1N1 seriously.

Thanks... A____    "

ps:  May all the deniers of H1N1, Climate Change, Obama Citizenship...
QUICKLY move on to Hell so they stop killing people with their hateful