Monday, September 21, 2009

Life denying trick of the mind: THE CASUAL PROUNOUNCEMENT OF "GOOD," AND THE LIKE.

"The (?)" Life denying trick of the mind: THE CASUAL PRONOUNCEMENT OF "GOOD,"
as SUBSTITUTE for the actual STATE OF BEING, OR NOT.  Casually - "he is good,"
or "I am good...."  Murder.

Good is a way of being, a state of being, or NOT.

Brain surgeon is a way of being, or NOT (if in fact of my BEING I am NOT).

Marine is a way of being, or NOT (if in fact of my BEING I am not).

MLK Jr. was GOOD.  Teresa of Calcutta was GOOD.  Gandhi was GOOD. 
Eleanor Roosevelt was GOOD.  ALL BABIES are born to be GOOD.

Start Loving may or may not have the potential to be Marine, or to be Brain Surgeon.
POTENTIAL IS NOT STATE OF BEING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Start Loving always had the potential to "BE" GOOD.  For most of his life he chose
to NOT "BE" GOOD.  Yes, he had goodness within him - the potential.  Occasionally
he dabbled in BEing GOOD, but that did not make his state, his WAY OF BEING - GOOD.

We are born  GOOD, the same way a healthy cell is born healthy - to be dedicated
to the work of the body.  But Start Fell away from that DEDICATION TO GOOD.