Monday, September 21, 2009

Imagine post appocalypse how we might pervert Einstein.

Imagine post apocalypse how we might pervert Einstein.

Put on your scientific hat for a moment.  Imagine post
apocalypse how we might pervert Einstein.  Think
Mad Max Thunderdome, or that Star Trek episode where
a post-apocalypse race possessed the the US Constitution
but having lost the knowledge of reading perverted it into
a "Religion," of gibberish, dogma, domination, hatred,
mumbo-jumbo - "We thup tista," they would chant, over
in the place of what we would read as "We the people...."

Post apocalypse in this way we probably would have a
book of Einstein on an alter, sprinkle holy water over
it, have chants, incantations, etc, etc, etc.  But we
would no longer practice, understand or implement what
he taught.

I give you the Teachings of Jesus in His Word and Deed. 
Today what the "Church" promulgates is Ritual, Dogma,
Hatred, Division... when what Jesus Authored was SIMPLY
Universal Love, PERIOD, by whatever name.

I do wish I were being cruel in this, or mean, cynical,
satirical....  No.  This is the hideous, murderous,
deadly reality; the Error (Sin) from which we are not likely
to recover. 

We've almost no time left to recover.