Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fw: Make them act like real Democrats

Hi Start,

Goal thermometerWhoa.

Since Jane wrote you Thursday night about our TV ad in Arkansas, the response from the FDL community has been overwhelming.  As I'm writing this sentence, 800 people have donated more than $38,000 to help put the ad on the air.  Truly incredible.

We want to blanket Arkansas to make sure that the majority of the state sees our TV ad.  To do that, we need to raise $78,000 by next week.  We're almost halfway there.

Help us let Sen. Blanche Lincoln and Rep. Mike Ross know: act like real Democrats, or we'll find someone who will. 

Click here to contribute now:

Rahm Emanuel told liberal organizations that were advertising against Blue Dogs to stop in no uncertain terms.  Sorry, Rahm - Blue Dogs like Mike Ross are leading the fight to derail meaningful health care reform, and we just can't comply with that request.

Arkansans need to know that Blanche Lincoln and Mike Ross would rather protect the profits of the insurance industry than stand with the 80% of Arkansas Democrats who want a public health insurance option.

Last night, Jane Hamsher went on the Rachel Maddow Show to talk about the TV ad.  Jane was great - she explained to Rachel why we want to run this ad: Blanche Lincoln and Mike Ross are acting like their constituents are PhRMA and the medical-industrial complex, and not the majority of Arkansans of BOTH parties that want a public option.

So if Blanche Lincoln and Mike Ross want to continue to ignore the will of their voters, that's fine.  We'll run candidates against them who will actually listen to Arkansans and support a public health insurance option.

Help us put this ad on the air.  Can you contribute $15, $25, $50, or even $100 to put up our TV ad?  Click here to help:

Thanks for your overwhelming support.  With your help, we'll make sure Arkansans have members of Congress that actually represent their state.


Ben Tribbett
FDL Action PAC

P.S. After you've contributed, watch Jane Hamsher on Rachel Maddow from last night.

On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 12:31 AM, Jane Hamsher, FDL Action PAC <> wrote:

FDL Action

Arkansas Sen. Blanche Lincoln and Rep. Mike Ross are blocking the public option.

They're out of touch with Arkansas and the Democratic Party.  Let's make them act like real Democrats.

Watch our TV ad about Lincoln and Ross and donate now to put it on the air.

Hi Start,

When it comes to real health care reform, we know where to find Arkansas "Democrats" Sen. Blanche Lincoln and Rep. Mike Ross.

You won't find them with the 80% of Arkansas Democrats who support a public health insurance option.1  No, you'll find them where they've always been: standing with the health insurance industry to protect their ill-gained profits.

No more. 
Lincoln and Ross are out of touch with their constituents, and out of touch with the Democratic Party. 

We want to air this ad on TV in Arkansas and reach about 75% of the state in two weeks. Please stand with Arkansas Democrats and help put this ad on the air - can you chip in $25, $50, or even $100?

Check out our new ad we want to air in Arkansas and donate now to put it on TV.

Watch our new TV ad and donate to put it on the air
Watch the ad and donate now.  Click here:

Sen. Lincoln and Rep. Ross are blocking what Arkansas wants: competition for the bloated insurance industry. 

Both Lincoln and Ross are up for election next year.  Recent polling in the state shows that not only are they both vulnerable, but the public option is a popular issue with Arkansas voters.

It should be a no-brainer.  Yet Lincoln and Ross are both doing the bidding of the insurance industry to block the public option.

Mike Ross recently said that the people in his district didn't want a public plan that would save them $2000 a year in medical costs.2  Daily Kos polled Arkansas and found that's not true -- a majority of all Arkansans, and 80% of Arkansas Democrats, want a public option. 

We need to let Arkansas voters know the truth: Lincoln and Ross are blocking true health care reform by standing with the health insurance industry. 

And if Lincoln and Ross still won't side with Arkansas Democrats, we'll have to find someone who will.

Stand with Arkansas Democrats: watch our new ad to air in Arkansas and donate now to put it on TV.  Click here:

We're ready to hold members of Congress accountable for the public health insurance option, but we can only do it with your help.

Thanks for all you do.

Jane Hamsher
FDL Action PAC

1.  Daily Kos, 9/14/09.

2. Commonwealth Fund, 6/24/09.

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